5 ways you know that you are ripe for a breakthrough
1. Honesty
You are ready for a breakthrough if you are ready to be honest with yourself. Often people shield themselves from their reality in order to manage it. This happens in both our personal and professional life. Sadly, this has the opposite effect of keeping us in our current reality. Honesty is the doorway to breakthrough into a new reality. When you become honest about who you are and who you want to be, when you become honest about where you are and where you want to go, you are ripe for a breakthrough.
2. Dissatisfaction
You know you are ready for a breakthrough when you are ready to harness the power of dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction is the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Unharnessed dissatisfaction turns into bitterness. Bitterness is a deterrent to breakthroughs. Whereas harnessed dissatisfaction generates immense power to have breakthroughs in our personal and professional life. The first step to harnessing it is to be honest about it. Where are you experiencing dissatisfaction in your personal or professional life? The next step is to tame it. We tame it by taking responsibility for it.
3. Responsibility
You know you are ready for a breakthrough when you are ready to take responsibility for your personal and professional life. Our knee-jerk reaction is to make other people responsible for our personal and professional life. If you feel this way, you are not alone and you are not ready for a breakthrough. Taking responsibility gives you agency over your life and makes you ripe for breakthroughs.
4. Openness
You know you are ready for breakthroughs when you are open to them. If you are closed to breakthroughs you will never experience them, if you are open to them you can. It’s that simple! And is that hard! Openness requires faith that breakthroughs are readily available. We are taught to believe that breakthroughs are scarce. One of my missions in life is to expose this lie. Breakthroughs are everywhere. The question is whether we will open ourselves up to receive them. This takes courage.
5. Courage
You know you are ready for breakthroughs when you are ready to be courageous. Just because breakthroughs are everywhere does not mean it's easy to have them. It takes courage to be honest with yourself, to harness your dissatisfaction, to take responsibility, and to be open. But it takes even more courage to act on what you discover. It takes courage to take that first step. It takes courage to move out of the familiar into the unknown. It's our acts of courage that enact our breakthroughs in our personal and professional life.
Coaching gives you a safe space to be honest, helps you harness your dissatisfaction, encourages you to take responsibility, challenges you to be open, and energizes courage. If you’re interested to see how coaching can help you make breakthroughs every day, schedule a free 30-minute call.